Training Resources
Arizona LGMA empowers industry with tools to advance food safety. Browse the training resources including the Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit, food safety apps, videos and more.

Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit
Arizona LGMA
Food Safety Training Kit
These pdf and powerpoint files can be used by food safety professionals, harvest crew foreman, extension agents, and/or industry consultants who wish to conduct food safety training at leafy greens farms.
Arizona LGMA
Food Safety Training Kit
These pdf and powerpoint files can be used by food safety professionals, harvest crew foreman, extension agents, and/or industry consultants who wish to conduct food safety training at leafy greens farms.
Arizona LGMA
Cuaderno de trabajo de evaluaciones ambientales de precosecha y evaluaciones diarias durete la coscha
A training tool developed to teach Supervisors or Foremen, Quality Control Personnel, Growers, and Food Safety Personnel how to perform “Pre-Harvest and Daily Harvest Environmental Assessments.”
Apps and Online Training
Arizona LGMA
Metrics 101 (Doctum)
English: Interactive, online training to help employees learn about the Arizona LGMA food safety requirements. Read the instructions here >