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Training Resources

Arizona LGMA empowers industry with tools to advance food safety.  Browse the training resources including the Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit, food safety apps, videos and more.


Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit


Arizona LGMA 
Food Safety Orientation
Poster Kit

The poster illustrates 15 food safety areas in which employees must be trained upon hiring. The poster and commitment form are intended to be used with employees at the time of hiring, prior to starting work.


Arizona LGMA 
Orientacion sobre seguridad de los Alimentos 

The poster illustrates 15 food safety areas in which employees must be trained upon hiring. The poster and commitment form are intended to be used with employees at the time of hiring, prior to starting work.


Arizona LGMA 
Food Safety Training Kit

These pdf and powerpoint files can be used by food safety professionals, harvest crew foreman, extension agents, and/or industry consultants who wish to conduct food safety training at leafy greens farms. 

Module 1: 
The ABC's of Leafy Greens Safety
Module 2: Prevention and Control of Leafy Greens Contamination
Module 3:
Personal Hygiene Practices in the Field
Module 4: 
Handwashing and Glove Usage
Module 5: 
Cross-Contamination in the Field

Arizona LGMA 
Food Safety Training Kit

These pdf and powerpoint files can be used by food safety professionals, harvest crew foreman, extension agents, and/or industry consultants who wish to conduct food safety training at leafy greens farms. 

Module 1:  El ABC de la seguridad de los vegetales de hoja verde
Module 2: Prevención y control de la contaminación de los vegetales de hoja verde
Module 3:
Practicas de higiene personal en el campo
Module 4:
Lavado de manos y uso de los guantes
Module 5: 
La contaminación cruzada en el campo

Arizona LGMA 
Environmental Risk Assessment
Pre-Harvest & Daily Harvest

A training tool developed to teach Supervisors or Foremen, Quality Control Personnel, Growers, and Food Safety Personnel how to perform “Pre-Harvest and Daily Harvest Environmental Assessments.”


Arizona LGMA 
Cleaning & Sanitizing

This training course emphasizes the field sanitation requirements in the Metrics.


Arizona LGMA 
Cuaderno de trabajo de evaluaciones ambientales de precosecha y evaluaciones diarias durete la coscha 

A training tool developed to teach Supervisors or Foremen, Quality Control Personnel, Growers, and Food Safety Personnel how to perform “Pre-Harvest and Daily Harvest Environmental Assessments.”


Arizona LGMA 
Limpieza y desinfección
del equipo de cosecha

Esta capacitación hace énfasis en los requisitos de  saneamiento en el campo incluidos en el Metrics.

FSTK Orientation
FSTK Modules
FSTK Environmetal Risk
Cleanig & Sanitizin

Apps and Online Training

Arizona LGMA
Metrics 101 (Doctum)

English:  Interactive, online training to help employees learn about the Arizona LGMA food safety requirements.  Read the instructions here >

California LGMA
LGMAconnect Resource Library

Access California LGMA

food safety resources, and hear about upcoming training opportunities.

Arizona LGMA
Food Safety Training App

For Apple / I pad

Fifteen food safety basics for new employees who work in the leafy greens industry - in English & Spanish

California LGMA
Handwashing Quiz (English)

Download this app for use on ios devices. Participants will learn the basics of handwashing and complete a quiz.

Arizona LGMA
Food Safety Training App

Get from Google Play: 
Fifteen food safety basics for new employees who work in the leafy greens indsutry - in English and Spanish

California LGMA
Handwashing Quiz (Spanish)

Download this app for use on ios devices. Participants will learn handwashing basics and complete a quiz at the end.

Apps Online Traning

Training Videos

What is
Arizona LGMA? 

This video provides and overview of the Arizona LGMA Food Safety program to help employees understand what it is and why it matters.

California LGMA
Why Behind Food Safety 2022 Update (English)

This motivational training video provides an update on Rylee, Lauren, and California leafy greens farmer Dan Sutton.

2011 Module 1: Leafy Greens Contaminants  (English)

From the Module 1 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video explains what can contaminate leafy greens.

2011 Module 2: Hygiene & Handwashing (English)

From the Module 2 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video explains the importance of personal hygiene.

2011 Module 3: Cross Contamination  (Spanish)

From the Module 3 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video talks about cross contamination can occur in the field..

California LGMA
The Why Behind Food Safety

This motivational training video helps workers to understand WHY food safety is so important by sharing the stories of victims of foodborne illness.

2011 Module 1: Foodborne Outbreak (English)

From the 2011 Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit | Module 1 this video shares with employees how outbreaks happen.  

2011 Module 2: Hygiene & Handwashing  (English)

From the Module 2 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video explains how employees should wash their hands.

2011 Module 2: Hygiene & Handwashing  (Spanish)

From the Module 2 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video explains the importance of personal hygiene.

California LGMA
The Why Behind Food Safety

This motivational training video helps workers to understand WHY food safety is important by telling stories of victims of foodborne illness.

2011 Module 1: Foodborne Outbreak (Spanish)

From the 2011 Arizona LGMA Food Safety Training Kit | Module 1 this video shares with employees how outbreaks happen.  

2011 Module 2: Hygiene & Handwashing (Spanish)

From the Module 2 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video explains how employees should wash their hands.

2011 Module 3: Cross Contamination  (English)

From the Module 3 of the Food Safety Training Kit, this video talks about cross contamination can occur in the field..

Upcoming Trainings

Arizona LGMA offers free training resources and training courses.  


© 2023 by Arizona Leafy Greens Food Safety Committee

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